Terror's War
Once upon a city fair
Planes struck two towers, leaving bare
The lot where they once stood; the people gone but not forgotten.
A blackened Pennsylvania field
And the Pentagon did more bodies yield.
A cry went out our swords to wield
And to terror bring the war.
To the hiding holes and the darkened caves of terror bring the war.
Nothing less, but nothing more.
King Dubya crusaded to Afghanistan
And with ultimatum, did demand
Bin Ladin from the Taliban or else they feel his sting.
Said they, "We will not take your word.
Your evidence it must be heard
'Ere we decree 'release this turd'"
This so enraged the King.
How dare they doubt his word and thus infuriate the King.
He then let slip the dogs of war.
Meanwhile, back home, he did decree
That safety trumps our liberty
And all the rights that make us free leave us open to be attacked.
And so took them with some legal rot
With the dubious name of PATRIOT
And with no thought of freedom bought
With blood, they did enact.
That freedom robbing piece of legal rot they did enact.
Thus terror starts to win the war.
And while with war, we were distracted
And prison-state laws, they were enacted
And our rights, like so much trash compacted, Bin Ladin got away.
Then Sir Colin with half-true tales
Of bio programs and weapon sales
Bade the U.N. "Fight before Iraq gets out of hand."
U.N. would not, a war, endorse,
But Dubya stayed his steady course
And from atop his highest horse
Cried, "He threatened my old man!"
"Saddam Hussein, he thumbed his nose and threatened my old man!"
And so again we went to war.
And by the RPG's red glare,
His righteous sword held in the air,
His battle cry:"Saddam beware! Iraq, it will be mine!"
He broke Saddam, and some time later
In reports, investigators
Said , "There are no weapons
Of mass destruction here to find.
Ne're Geiger tick nor germ of all those weapons here to find."
So why did we go to war?
"It does not matter if we lied,"
Said Dubya,"if through wrong or right
The war doth end on freedom's side it justifies the means."
And back at home, the same is said
With security in freedom's stead
And a shameful eagle hangs his head
While freedom slowly dies.
The masses are distracted while our freedom slowly dies.
How do we win in terror's war?
We'll not wrest freedom from terror's jaws,
But from the makers of our laws
In back-room deals and the capitol's halls, now that's where terror stands.
For when Bin Ladin's doing time
Or dead, another foe they'll find
To occupy our weary minds
With war and colored bands
With imperialistic war and measured threat with colored bands.
But this is how we win the war.
The essence of self-evident truth
Can't be imposed with claw and tooth
But whispered in the voting booth, lest liberty be killed.
And with each whisper, growing loud
Into the roar of madding crowd
To sweep away the blackened cloud
Of corruption on the hill.
The power-maddened spectre of corruption on the hill
That's how we'll win the war.
Else later , do yourself deride
When your children standing by your side
Ask "Where were you when freedom died and terror won the war?
When they took our rights for safety's sake and terror won the war?"
-Shane Maness
Please vote Libertarian! (www.lp.org)
Your children's freedom may depend upon it.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
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Here's my poem:
ReplyDeleteA Picture of Life
For the Left, the role of government
Must be to hold my hand,
To guide my life, from birth to grave,
To tell me where to stand,
To make excuses when I fail
And blame environment,
Then take the money others made
For more entitlements.
We're not worthy, nor do we have
Intelligence to fare
Without support from Washington
To ease our every care.
The plans to help us through our pain,
Well intentioned they may be,
Are cause to fear a "Nanny State"
With debt as far as we can see.
On the other side, it seems the Right
Has some common sense at hand,
With thoughts to wisely spend our cash,
Soothe anger through the land.
They show, at least, a semblance of
Concern for those who follow,
To whom we leave a future bare
And a promise deep and hollow.
It's not the truth that Right or Left
have answers good for all.
It's not the truth our leaders know
What moves will stop our fall.
It's not the truth the peoples' good
Is foremost on their list.
In fact, the truth seems fairly rare,
Which is why we are so pissed.
What is the truth is what we see,
Which can't be hid from view,
A picture rife with arrogance,
Disrespect shown me and you.
A picture is worth a thousand words
Which denial can't refute,
No lie can change the image saved,
Defensive claims are moot.
The truth we see is mounting debt
Our children can't afford,
Our Southern border oozing crime
And Congress not on board.
Healthcare takes a front seat ride,
Unemployment sits behind
As job killer bills proceed with speed
While work is hard to find.
"What next?", we ask as the IRS
Takes firm and steady aim
At our pocketbooks to squeeze the funds
To play their silly game.
What's next, my friends, is Cap and Trade,
The goal they hold so dear,
Which manifests a price so high
We'll pay forever and a year.
Does no one see the end result?
Do people really care
That rights are shredded all around
And Hell is what we'll share?
It's time to stop the "Party" fights,
Consider what's at stake,
For, if we continue down this road,
We'll sleep in the bed we make.
c. 4/3/2010