Wednesday, September 5, 2012

For frozak

>1. because the power to consume is more important than the actual savings in a consumer market,from each citizens perspective.
---false.  savings drives investment in future consumpton. savings is just delayed consumption, it isn't "hoarding".

>when you measure what you can buy at a supermarket, it's based on your purchasing power, which remains unchanged at the lower levels.
---true, but purchasing power is irrelevant to property rights.

> It's just sympathetic to the way capitalism works.
---false.  capitalism works by trading value for value.

>2. A flat tax of anything on lower classes does not take the rationale of ppp.
---because that rationale is based (apparently) on keynesianism, which does not take into account the higher order production, or labor in those markets.

>3. Because each individual is being taxed equally, just not on a value that is immediately apparent when you consider complex economies to just be barter systems alleviated by currency.
---no, they are being taxed according to a central authority's idea of "fairness" not justice. The Government is supposed to do its best to see individual (not social) justice done, not to make everything "fair" treating individuals differently according to arbitrary rules.

>4. Don't see what youre getting at
---already posted an explanation of says law.

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