Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Healthcare Reform: A framework

1. Make it easy to start an unlimited, tax free medical savings account (minimal paperwork). This encourages those who can, to save for their own routine medical care.

2. Prohibit full coverage of medical bills under 10k(yearly). This encourages the patient to pay attention to the cost of his care, but allows for serious conditions to be addressed before they become catastrophic.

3. Prohibit coverage of doctor visits. This forces patients to pay attention to the cost of their routine care and shop around for the best value, lowering prices as doctors compete for patients.

4. Tax forgiveness for donations to medical charities, similar to the school choice scholarship vouchers in Arizona.[1] These charities might use means testing to ensure that the person is not scamming the system (you prove you need help). This allows a taxpayer to direct his tax money directly to funding the medical care of others. Charities should be prohibited from using more than 10% of donations on administration and other costs. This takes care of those who cannot afford routine care, and could possibly pay for catastrophic insurance (or care) for those in need.


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